The Role of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Ageratum Conyzoides in Amelioration
of Haematological Parameters in Streptozotocin-Nicotinamide Induced Type-ii
Diabetic Rats

Author(s) : Mobolaji Abdulateef, Ejeh Sunday Augustine & Usende Ifukibot Levi


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by disturbances in carbohydrate,protein, and lipid metabolism and by complications like retinopathy, microangiopathy, and nephropathy. Several haematological changes are shown to be directly associated withDM. This study was designed to investigate the haematological indices of ethanolic leaves extract ofAgeratum conyzoides in streptozotocin induced diabetic wistar rats. Healthy adult male Wistar ratswere used for the study and diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of 60 mg/kgstreptozotocin and divided into Group I: Negative Diabetic control rats received sterile water orally(as vehicle) daily. Group II: Positive Diabetic (DM) control rats received a standard drug,Glibenclamide (0.25 mg/kg) orally. Group III: Diabetic rats (treated group) received 500mg/kg bodyweight of crude extract of Ageratum conyzoides (DM + AC) orally. Daily water and feed intake wererecorded. After day 28 treatments, blood was collected for haematological analysis. There wassignificant difference in the Packed Cell Volume, Red Blood Cell count, White Blood Cell count andHaemoglobin concentration comparing the different groups. Our data showed that, Ageratumconyziodes extract increase feed intake, body weight, red blood cells and packed cell volume ofdiabetic rats similar to what was observed in glibenclamide treated groups, but more effect wasobserved in the Ageratum conyzoides treated group. We conclude that A. conyzoides at the dosage of500mg/kg like glibenclamide, can proffer better results in ameliorating the haematological indices indiabetic rats at cheaper cost.


Diabetes mellitus, haematological changes, Ageratum conyzoides, glibenclamide